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Vandaya blog

VANDAYA muse Bethany Hamilton - Vandaya

VANDAYA muse Bethany Hamilton

VANDAYA muse Bethany Hamilton - Vandaya

VANDAYA muse Bethany Hamilton

Bethany Meilani Hamilton er lige fyldt 30 (2020), men alligevel har hun opnået mere end de fleste andre på hendes alder. Hun er en professionel surfer, mor til 2, forfatter og en stor rollemodel, ...

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50 things to do while in quarentine/ lock down - Vandaya

50 ting du kan lave i lockdown/ karantæne

Da de fleste af os sidder i karantæne, så hvorfor ikke få det bedste ud af det? Nu har vi endelig tiden til at lave alle de små ting, vi har udskudt så længe som at rydde op i skabet, male køkkenet...

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Everything you need to know about shark tooth necklaces - Vandaya

Alt du har brug for at vide om hajtandshalskæder

Hajtandshalskæder er blevet båret i flere århundreder. De er ikke kun et populært fashion statement, men har også symbolsk betydning og har spillet den førende rolle i flere myter. Vi har samlet al...

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8 easy lifestyle choices you can make to help save the ocean - Vandaya

8 easy lifestyle choices you can make to help save the ocean

Why do we need to save our oceans?  Our Oceans cover 71% of the planet's surface and are not just home to an important diversity of species: they regulate our climate. Yet this ecosystem is in dan...

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Vandaya muse Alexandra Costeau - Vandaya

Vandaya muse Alexandra Costeau

When the name Cousteau is spoken, it might be the legendary Jacques Yves Cousteau and his way of exploring the ocean that comes to mind. This blog post is not dedicated to Jacques, but another Cous...

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Iconic ocean photoshoots - Vandaya

Ikoniske photoshoots fra havet

Havet er for os vores evige inspirationskilde, og det samme gør sig gældende for nogle af verdens bedste modefotografer. Vi har samlet nogle af de mest ikoniske fotoshoots, der finder sted i eller ...

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VANDAYA MUSE Sylvia Earle - Her Deepness - Vandaya

VANDAYA MUSE Sylvia Earle - Her Deepness

There are some people in this world, that have accomplished so much that you can't help but be astonished when you hear their story. We believe that Sylvia Earle most definitely is one of those p...

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Rome travel guide - 4 days in Rome - Vandaya

Rejseguide til Rom, Italien - 4 dage i Rom

Vi havde fornøjelsen af ​​at besøge Italiens romantiske hovedstad, Rom. Byen har noget at tilbyde for alle aldre og er et must at besøge. Vi kunne ikke få nok af den kompakte by fyldt med monumente...

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We have been featured on Metamorfosa.org - Vandaya

We have been featured on Metamorfosa.org

PRESS    We have been featured on Metamorfosa.org read their blog post below:   HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD WITHOUT BEING AN ACTIVIST There is a fairly simple antidote to the guilt we feel when we see pe...

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